Chrysoberyl Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Although many gems show a cat’s eye effect, when the term “cat’s eye” is used alone, it always refers to the rare gemstone chrysoberyl.…
Alexandrite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information “Emerald by day, ruby by night,” alexandrite is well known for displaying one of the most remarkable color changes in the gem world — green…
Common Gemstone Treatments Cheat Sheet There are so many common gemstone treatments available today that keeping track of them can be difficult. This list and handy cheat sheet can help.…
What is Gemstone Luminescence? Gemstone luminescence is a glow that occurs when certain stones are subjected to energy such as UV light. This effect can help gemologists identify…
Chrysoberyl Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Although many gems show a cat’s eye effect, when the term “cat’s eye” is used alone, it always refers to the rare gemstone chrysoberyl.…
Alexandrite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information “Emerald by day, ruby by night,” alexandrite is well known for displaying one of the most remarkable color changes in the gem world — green…
Ten Gemstones Rarer than Diamond If you’re looking for something unique for your next jewelry purchase, check out these ten gemstones rarer than diamond. How many have you heard…