Amethyst Gem, Price, and Jewelry Information Amethyst is crystalline quartz in colors ranging from pale lilac to deep reddish purple. The February birthstone makes a fine, durable gemstone…
Quartz Value, Price, and Jewelry Information An overview on Quartz Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the physical properties and characteristics of a Quartz…
How Does Quartz Form? Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on earth. Learn how quartz forms and how its most popular varieties get their colors.
Common Gemstone Treatments Cheat Sheet There are so many common gemstone treatments available today that keeping track of them can be difficult. This list and handy cheat sheet can help.…
What is the Average Gemstone Faceting Yield? What’s the average gemstone faceting yield from a single piece of rough? Learn how to estimate how much material you’ll need to cut to get the…
What is Gemstone Luminescence? Gemstone luminescence is a glow that occurs when certain stones are subjected to energy such as UV light. This effect can help gemologists identify…
Amethyst Gem, Price, and Jewelry Information Amethyst is crystalline quartz in colors ranging from pale lilac to deep reddish purple. The February birthstone makes a fine, durable gemstone…