Apatite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Although too brittle for most jewelry use, properly cut apatite gems are truly magnificent. A collector could assemble a suite of as many as twenty…
What is Gemstone Luminescence? Gemstone luminescence is a glow that occurs when certain stones are subjected to energy such as UV light. This effect can help gemologists identify…
Apatite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Although too brittle for most jewelry use, properly cut apatite gems are truly magnificent. A collector could assemble a suite of as many as twenty…
Difficult Gemstone Separations Two of the trickiest gemstone separations to make are scapolite from citrine and apatite from tourmaline. Learn some tips for distinguishing…
Can You Identify Gems Without Seeing Gemstone Colors? Did you know most gem species can be distinguished without the element of color? Learn the role gemstone colors play in gem identification.