Chrysoberyl Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Although many gems show a cat’s eye effect, when the term “cat’s eye” is used alone, it always refers to the rare gemstone chrysoberyl.…
Common Gemstone Treatments Cheat Sheet There are so many common gemstone treatments available today that keeping track of them can be difficult. This list and handy cheat sheet can help.…
Chrysoberyl Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Although many gems show a cat’s eye effect, when the term “cat’s eye” is used alone, it always refers to the rare gemstone chrysoberyl.…
Gemstone Cufflinks Guide Wearing gemstone cufflinks is a great way to add personality and style to a standard tuxedo. Learn how to choose gems for both formal and casual events.…
Alexandrite Buying Guide Vivid color change makes alexandrite one of the world’s most coveted stones. Our alexandrite buying guide can help you find the best gem for your…
Is My Alexandrite Just A Color-Change Chrysoberyl? Buyer beware! Not all color-change chrysoberyl is alexandrite. Learn the classic color ranges of true alexandrite and avoid being scammed by…