Sapphire Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Few gems have held our attention over millennia as well as sapphire. The pure blue colors and excellent durability of this gem-quality member of…
Corundum Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Next to diamond, corundum is the hardest mineral known and is very compact and dense, with no cleavage. As a result, corundum is one of the best of…
Color Change Sapphire Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Color change sapphires are those that change color between light sources.
A Step-Cut Montana Sapphire Design Watch lapidarist Jim Buday facet a step-cut Montana sapphire design. This version of the traditional cut produces a very bright color.
Sapphire Mining in Montana What’s sapphire mining like? Follow Jeff Moriarty of Moriarty’s Gem Art as he travels to Montana in search of amazing gem rough.
Gem Origin Opinions: When Gemology Labs Agree to Disagree on Sapphire Origins Why do gemology labs sometimes have different gem origin opinions, especially for sapphires? Learn the science and history behind the debate.…
Dealers at Tucson Gem Show Confirm Increasing Demand for Montana Sapphires February 16, 2022 TUCSON — After a cancellation in 2021, the Tucson Gem Show returned to Arizona from February 10-13, 2022. The show, presented…
Parti Sapphires: the Colored Gemstones for 2021 Parti sapphires can show two or three colors at the same time. Learn why recent trends will soon make these beautiful gems very popular.