• Moonstone - Mt. Kilimanjaro

    Moonstone – Natural, Cabochon, White, 300 ct

    Discovered by the first Japanese expedition to Mt. Kilimanjaro in 1918 and reputed to weigh between 300 and 450 carats, this might be the largest known moonstone. Photo by Mr Matthew Hardy Japan. Licensed under CC By-SA 3.0.

    Article: What is Moonstone Gemstone? Value, Price, and Color

    Credit: CC By-SA 3.0

    GemstoneFeldspar, Orthoclase, Moonstone
    Natural or man madeNatural
    Origin detailsMt. Kilimanjaro
    Carat Weight<i class="fa fa-square facet-search-color-swatch" style="color:#123b8c"></i> violetish Blue (vB)
    Gem StateCabochon
    Photo phenomenaAdularescence