• Mixed Cushion Rectangle Cut Tourmaline

    Tourmaline – Natural, Faceted, Red, 7.67 ct

    A rare color for tourmaline, this stone looks a lot like a deeper Madeira citrine. I did some looking around online, and couldn't find anything to compare it to that was even close in overall quality. What I did find were moderatly brownish stones for $125 per carat and up that were not this large, nor this nice of a color. Color: Very Slightly Brownish, Reddish Deep Orange, Cut: Mixed Cushion Rectangle, Weight: 7.67, Dimensions: 9.8 x 13 mm. (Information supplied by photo contributor.) © Daniel Stair, CustomGemstones.com

    Credit: Daniel Stair, CustomGemstones.com 2014

    Natural or man madeNatural
    Origin detailsNigeria
    Carat Weight7.67
    Gem StateFaceted
    FaceterDaniel Stair