A rare unheated purple-pink bi-color Montana sapphire from The Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine. Not sure exactly what to call this cut. It was going to be a long hexagon, but had one little flaw I didn’t like so I cut the corners off a bit.

Color:Bi-Color Purple-Pink
Cut:Fancy Radiant Hex Oval
Weight:1.00 Carats cts
Dimensions:7.37 x 4.89
Origin Country:Helena, Montana, U.S.A.
Comments:A rare unheated purple-pink bi-color Montana sapphire from The Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine. Not sure exactly what to call this cut. It was going to be a long hexagon, but had one little flaw I didn't like so I cut the corners off a bit.
Attribution:Daniel Stair
Price It Sold For:Members Only
Price Per Carat:Members Only