This untreated sapphire from the Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine has a light, moderately blue tinted lime green color and does a moderate amount of color shifting under different light souces, sometimes being more green and sometimes more of a grenish steely blue.

Color:Pastel Lime Green, Slight Blue
Cut:Fancy Reflector Pentagon
Weight:1.17 Carat cts
Dimensions:7.53 x 7.93
Origin Country:Helena, Montana, U.S.A.
Comments:This untreated sapphire from the Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine has a light, moderately blue tinted lime green color and does a moderate amount of color shifting under different light souces, sometimes being more green and sometimes more of a grenish steely blue.
Attribution:Daniel Stair
Price It Sold For:Members Only
Price Per Carat:Members Only