This sapphire has a nice teal color, but is a bit on the shallowish side, so it faces up to be big for what it weighs and is more brilliant arond the edges than in the middle. It’s also a bit darker in person, but not a lot.
- Fancy Round Brilliant Cut Sapphire by Daniel Stair
Color: | Greenish Blue |
Clarity: | Very Good (Generally Eye Clean) |
Cut: | Fancy Round Brilliant |
Weight: | 0.43 cts |
Dimensions: | 4.95mm |
Origin Country: | Tanzania |
Comments: | This sapphire has a nice teal color, but is a bit on the shallowish side, so it faces up to be big for what it weighs and is more brilliant arond the edges than in the middle. It's also a bit darker in person, but not a lot. |
Attribution: | Daniel Stair |
Price It Sold For: | Members Only |
Price Per Carat: | Members Only |