This sapphire has a very nice royal blue color. It also has just a hint of fine silk to give it a sort of Kashmir like glow. Because the crown is cut a bit (not a lot) shallowish, it faces up at almost 6mm so looks like about a one carat stone.
- Rough version of Fancyu Round Brilliant Cut Sapphire by Daniel Stair
- Finished version of Fancyu Round Brilliant Cut Sapphire by Daniel Stair
Color: | Royal Blue |
Treatment: | Heat |
Cut: | Fancyu Round Brilliant |
Weight: | .82 Ct. cts |
Dimensions: | 5.92 |
Origin Country: | Unknown |
Comments: | This sapphire has a very nice royal blue color. It also has just a hint of fine silk to give it a sort of Kashmir like glow. Because the crown is cut a bit (not a lot) shallowish, it faces up at almost 6mm so looks like about a one carat stone. |
Attribution: | Daniel Stair |
Price It Sold For: | Members Only |
Price Per Carat: | Members Only |